I have many clients who ask me about decision making. When unsure what path to follow, what job to take, or the next move, consider these 6 steps to effective decision-making to help make that decision easier.

1. Outcome
What is the result you’re after?
2. Options
Write down all of your options.
3. Consequences
What are the upsides and downsides of each option?
4. Evaluate
Weigh the consequences of each option.
5. Mitigate
Review the ‘downside’ consequences and brainstorm ways to reduce the downsides.
6. Resolve
Based on the most probable consequences, select the option that produces the greatest certainty you’ll meet your desired outcome.
Suppose you are in a bind and need some additional help. I offer NET, Neupemtional Thechiquci that really can help save a life. We can see if you agree with your decisions and what might hold you back. Click here to learn more about NET.