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Beyond the Band-Aid

Naturopathic Emergency Medicine for the Home, Hospital, and Wilderness

broc_curtisNatural First Aid Remedies to Carry with You Where You Go!

This immensely informative seminar highlights some of the most effective natural first aid remedies that are used to treat accidents that can happen anywhere. For the professional health care provider, to the prepared homeowner, to the guy on the job site, and to those of us who like to travel the wilderness, using these remedies can dramatically improve your health outcome if you get hurt in any way.

This natural first aid course and more is designed to teach health independence, self-sufficient, and the professional use of natural healing techniques that go far beyond bandaging.

When you are hurt, regardless of the cause or location, it is wise to know all your treatment options to get you back up and out safely, even if that just means off the kitchen floor. This information will help you provide immediate relief and direct care for both minor and major accidences with specific natural first aid remedies.

You will learn a reliable and scientifically based naturopathic medical approach to the treatments of both minor and major accidents.

These specific natural first aid remedies are known for providing rapid relief and increased healing time for both physical and emotional traumas. They have been used in medical treatments for over 200 years in both people and animals around the world, are inexpensive, nontoxic, and 100% safe. They can be used on both the young and the old.


This seminar is intended to fulfill a professional need on how to use the correct natural remedies at the correct time. You will learn a reliable, professional, and scientifically based naturopathic medical approach to the treatment of different problems. This program is well organized and presented in a fashion that is user-friendly, practical, and can be employed immediately.

Each section offers an in-depth study of natural first aid treatments covering a wide variety of health issues.

Over the course, you will learn:  

      • Advanced alternative medicine in natural first aid care
      • Symptoms and complications of a variety of different accidents
      • Natural therapies that are associated with those accidents
      • Diet and supplement that is used to enhance recovery
      • Homeopathic medicine for quick care
      • Herbal medical use and formulary
      • Hydrotherapy (water) as treatment
      • Physical medicine and touch

woman thinkingBy the end of this course you will have:

      • The working knowledge necessary to quickly treat a variety of first aid and health care situations
      • The ability to treat those accidents that occur at home, traveling, in the client, or in the field.
      • You will be able to help render life’s traumas effectively and efficiently.
      • You will be able to provide immediate care to those who need it no matter where you are.


If you are a homeowner, mother, professional health care worker, outdoor enthusiast, first responders, group outdoor leaders, student, construction workers, world travelers, or international worker, this natural first aid course is for you.


These remedies are so effective at what they do, that when you put it all together, you can treat a whole variety of accidents and injuries and their associated symptoms.

The medical conditions that can be covered in this course are listed below. This course can be customized to your needs.

      1. allergic reactions
      2. amputation
      3. anxiety & fear
      4. animal bites
      5. back pain
      6. bladder infection
      7. breast, injury to
      8. broken bones
      9. bruises (soft tissue & bone).
      10. burns
      11. convulsions/seizures
      12. cuts, lacerations & punctures
      13. chest injury
      14. cold injuries
      15. constipation
      16. diarrhea
      17. ear trauma
      18. eye trauma (black eye / strains / trauma)
      19. finger/toe trauma
      20. food poisoning
      21. fracture
      22. gunshot wound
      23. head injuries
      24. heart attack
      25. heat injuries
      26. High altitude
      27. hives, allergic
      28. insect bites & stings
      29. snake bites
      30. spider bites
      31. joint trauma
      32. motion sickness
      33. mouth trauma
      34. near-drowning
      35. nerve injuries
      36. rashes (poison oak, ivy & nettle)
      37. shock (emotional & physical)
      38. smashed extremities (toes & fingers)
      39. skin infections
      40. slips/falls
      41. splinters and fish hooks
      42. sport injuries
      43. sprains & strains
      44. stroke
      45. sunburns
      46. tetanus, prevention of
      47. toothache/dental work
      48. vaginal infection

Contact Keri to find out more about how she can improve your life with her seminars and services.

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Give us a call directly at 970-889-3541 or fill in the message below to talk to Dr. Keri Brown about your health, wellness, and supportive learning.