Using Plant Steroids to Offset Estrogen
Consider eating these low estrogenic foods from the list below if you are concerned with extra estrogen in your body. There are so many thing to do but food is the least invasive and easiest, most of the time, to follow. If you are having problems you should consider detoxifying your liver where estrogen is metabolized. Contact us because we can help.
Uses: Foods low in plant sterols are used in the treatment of the following conditions:
- Breast cancer
- Uterine fibroids
- Ovarian cysts
- Fibrocystic disease of the breast
Low Phytosterol Foods:
- Unenriched white flour products
- White rice, unenriched
- Millet
- Buckwheat
Nuts and Seeds
- Flaxseed
- Oranges
- Grapefruit
- Tangerines
- Pineapple
- Grapes
- Pears
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Blackberries
- Raspberries
- Peaches
- Apricots
- Nectarines
- Lemons
- Dates
- Prunes
- Honeydew
- Cranberries
- Wild berries
- Watermelon
- Cantaloupe
- Vanilla
- Onion powder
- Celery powder
- Sweet basil
- Dill
- Thyme
- Broccoli
- Celery
- Onions
- Asparagus
- Rhubarb
- Squash
- Cabbage
- Lettuce
- Radishes
- Parsnips
- Cauliflower
- Brussels sprouts
- All greens
- Turnips
- Okra
- Beets
- Cucumbers
- Pumpkin
- All peas