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Physical Observations for Nutritional Deficiencies

Therapeutic Assessment of Sub-Clinical Symptoms and Organ Health

This informational class in Physical Observation for Nutritional Deficiencies is imperative in Today’s health care and the “sub-clinical” patient before the disease progresses to outright symptoms and blood changes.

Take the Guesswork out of Deficiency Patterns

Learn to observe physical features regarding Physical Observation for Nutritional Deficiencies. Watching physical characteristics can help determine nutritional deficiency patterns and health needs before disease occurs.

nail with zinc imbalance

Observation before the disease progresses.

Traditional doctors used physical observations of our bodies to confirm our health issues. They did not and could not rely on testing or blood work.

Physical Observation for Nutritional Deficiencies lets you take the guesswork out of nutritional deficiencies and organ health patterns.

Measurement of Patient Evaluation

This class ensures the measurement of patient evaluation as a critical tool in the medical toolbox. As pre-and post-nutritional evaluations and sound patient observations are added, you a measure to follow through physical observation for nutritional deficiencies.  

Recordable Visual Benchmark

Nutritional Deficiencies of the tongue vitamin b deficiency

Confirm the Findings

In this case, the practitioner can confirm the findings while creating a recordable visual benchmark for patients to see the change and progress.

This approach heightens the practitioner’s ability to identify root causes, target priorities, and integrate patient interaction. All the while improving understanding, retention, and compliance.

Care Become More Apparent

Using functional assessments of the digestive system, thyroid, adrenals, and more, the health and direction of care become more apparent to see, treat, and monitor.

While correlating specific observations and testing procedures, one can determine organ health, utilization of nutritional factors, and what direction is best for the client.

Nutritional Deficiencies of the gallbladder heel peeing

Health Needs Before Disease Occurs

Help determine nutritional deficiency patterns and health needs before disease occurs.

We will look at the face, tongue, nails, reflex points, and functional tests to determine how to help our patients through physical observations for nutritional deficiencies.

Critical Tool in the Medical Toolbox

Measurement of patient evaluation is a critical tool in the medical toolbox.

The practitioner can confirm the findings through pre- and post-nutritional evaluations and sound patient observations.

What You Will Learn in this Class

Signs and Symptoms of Nutritional Deficiency

functional medicine chapman reflexes

Signs and Symptoms of the body create a recordable and visual benchmark for patients to see the change and progress of Nutritional Deficiencies.

  1. Functional evaluation of the body and organs
  2. Physical observations for health concerns
  3. How the body relates to our thoughts
  4. What the face and eyes can tell us
  5. How our nails reflex our health
  6. Tongue analysis for heart, spleen, and thyroid
  7. Physical pain and organ relationships
  8. Health and adjustments of the ileocecal value
  9. Chapman reflexes for organ health and therapy

Check List of Tools

  • System survey form evaluation
  • Nail, tongue, and face assessment
  • Vertebral indicators for organ health
  • Organ relationships and our organs
  • Meridian organ clock assessment
  • Tissue calcium pressure test

Bonus Material

Putting it all Together

  • Functional evaluation of the digestive system
  • Functional evaluation of sugar handling
  • Assessment of the adrenal glands

Continuing Education Credits Available for this Class on Physical Observation for Nutritional Deficiencies

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“Truly the best in learning about health and wellness approaches that are fun and workable. Dr. Keri Brown shares her field and clinical expertise in a manner that is inspiring, actionable, and filled with common sense.”

Susan Collins, Bastyr University CE Director

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Dr. Keri Brownhelps people and professionals tune into a place of heath verse disease, positive thoughts verse negative, and holism versus separatism.

About Dr. Keri Brown

Dr. Keri Brown, ND, focuses on utilizing holistic health information, cutting-edge techniques, and common sense to support people back to health. She centers on actionable information that directly helps change health outcomes and makes life easier to live. She has over 30 years of experience in holistic health and sustainable living approaches involving science and nature cure. She is an integrative naturopathic doctor, speaker, author, and entrepreneur: consulting and teaching about health and wellness. Dr. Brown has a B.S. in Environmental Biology and Chemistry and a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in Washington.

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