


Opening Hours

Telemedicine by Phone, Zoom or Facetime

Power of the Inner Smile

Awakening Within

Power of the Inner Smile is mind-body medicine for inner health. We will cover a variety of ideas and hands-on techniques that can be used to reduce stress and help you breathe easier in today’s world.

inner smile

Awakening and Circulating Energy

Reduce Stress and Breathe Easier

The Power of the Inner Smile is an ancient, powerful system of physical, psychological, and spiritual development. It encompasses meditation and internal energy practices.

This unique awakening and circulation of energy through the path of medians in the body supports health and wellness.

a person sitting on wooden planks across the lake scenery

Clear and Easy-to-Understand

In a clear and easy-to-understand approach with many details, these practices will aid in developing a powerful energic flow in your body.

  • Physical
  • Psychological
  • Spiritual Health
  • Balance

Stress-related anxiety can vary significantly regarding the symptoms that occur. This system stresses the circulation of energy inside the body to help heal and elevate stress.

Live Healthily

If we do not live healthily, these channels will gradually close, and premature sickness and old age can occur before their time.

Inner Sense of Presence

The Power of the Inner Smile is designed to help attain an inner sense of presence and awareness of the wonderment around you.

These practices are for oneself and can also be taught to clients in support of body and mind medicine.

This class will enhance your experience of the connection between Soul-Mind and Body.

Providing Tools

It will provide tools to help move through stress towards health.

The purpose is to lighten some of the fears prevalent in today’s society.

What You Will Learn

Focusing on actionable information

  • Perceive your inner smile
  • Direct energy for your health
  • Adjust brain waves from a beta to an alpha state with ease
  • Understand the body’s association with wisdom and health by centering the mind
Inner smile woman closing her eyes against sun light standing near purple petaled flower plant
Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi on

No fluff, just good stuff in learning!  

Dr. Keri Brown’s programs contain detailed information and easy-to-understand instructions in using specific care and ideas.

All of our programs contain information that is 100% natural and safe.

*This program is presented from a 1–3-hour seminar.

Supportive Health Care

Dr. Brown speaks to community groups, educational institutions, and corporations to enhance holistic, supportive health care. 

Each presentation is unique and molded to meet each audience’s needs.

She started practicing meditation in 1984 and has explored various practices for health and Soul-Mind connection.

Personal Approach to Your Healing

By monthly membership, you walk into higher and higher growth planes to inner stillness, the movement of chi, chakra health, microcosmic orbit, to the Toa of Sexology.

Each session, we explore a new growth area for Body Wisdom for Soul Health.

  • Mediation into the Alpha State
  • The Power of the Inner Smile
  • Tao of Sexology

Don’t Delay! Contact us today!

About Dr. Keri Brown, ND

Dr. Keri Brown, ND, has practiced naturopathic medicine since 1998, starting a large-scale, non-profit health care clinic in Vermont and currently directs a private practice and wellness education company in Colorado. Dr. Brown speaks on healing through nature, disease prevention, and detoxication in the 21st century.

Dr. Brown received a B.S. in Environmental Biology and Chemistry from Fort Louis College in Durango, CO, and her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. She has been living sustainably and studying meditation and healing since 1984.