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Fibromyalgia & Far Infrared

Heat Therapy with Relax Sauna

Fibromyalgia is an enigma, but the symptoms can be addressed

Fibromyalgia syndrome (FS) has always been an enigma to me. The symptoms vary so greatly. The cause is unknown.

Symptoms include “otherwise unexplained chronic widespread pain, a lowered pain threshold, high tender point counts, sleep disturbances, fatigue, headache, irritable bowel syndrome, morning stiffness, paraesthesias in the extremities, often psychological distress and depressed mood Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Spa Therapy: Myth or Reality?.” 

Symptoms Can Be Addressed

It has always seemed to be a blanket term for undiagnosed underlying condition(s) rather than a unique one. 

While the definition of fibromyalgia can be ambiguous, the symptoms can be addressed. 

Far infrared saunas have been proven to help with many symptoms, and many users can attest to their effectiveness. 


​Symptoms of Fibromyalgia and ways that far infrared helps them:

​Many people with fibromyalgia report persistent dull pain that lasts for more than 3 months – Far infrared is an excellent way for both fast and long-lasting pain relief without the side effects of drugs. A study showed that patients with arthritis found both short-term pain relief and a trend toward long-term improvement [2]. Another study found “All patients experienced a significant reduction in pain by about half after the first session of Waon therapy(Heat therapy) (11-70%), and the effect of Waon therapy became stable (20-78%) after 10 treatments [4].”

Sleep problems

Many Relax Sauna users have reported improved sleep after using far infrared saunas. For example, a woman at the ILADS Lyme disease show told us

“I was in for about 12 minutes. I slept so well last night. I had eight hours without waking up for the first time in years. It was about 10 years. It was wonderful. It just feels so good. I did decide to get one. I had some pain, which is much less, and I have an overall sense of well-being. I appreciate this. It’s wonderful.”

Cognitive difficulty

This form of brain fog, referred to as “fibro-fog,” includes difficulty focusing and paying attention. Saunas are a good way of detoxing and improving circulation, which can help prevent brain fog. I have also found that taking vitamin C can help with brain fog.


People with fibromyalgia often feel tired and weak, sleep for extended periods and wake up in pain – far infrared stimulates the mitochondria to increase energy production, which can help fatigue. Many athletes use the Relax sauna to prevent fatigue.

A study found improvement in perceived fatigue after sauna therapy and significant improvement in depression and anxiety Effects of Waon therapy on chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot study

Testimonials on Fibromyalgia

Far Infrared Sauna Heat Therapy

In Search of a Solution

Doctors, practitioners, and those afflicted

have been unable to comprehend, diagnose, and even treat the complexity of Fibromyalgia.

Accurate proper diagnoses and adequate treatments are rare, and many lives have been crushed and devastated; careers lost individuals, and families ruined, financially and otherwise. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Brown for supportive care

Relax Far Infrared Sauna Provides Relief & Remission

Fortunately, however, there is now a timely relief

for many of the symptoms of the crippling disease. The Relax Far Infrared Sauna is exceptionally effective for Fibromyalgia and co-infections. Comfort has been reported by Relax Sauna customers, who are incredibly grateful as they noted they miraculously went into remission after using the far-infrared sauna for as little as 15 minutes a day. The Relax Saunas YouTube Channel contains many personal Fibromyalgia relief testimonials.

Give the Gift of Health

detox, sleep, sweat, and feel great!

The Relax Sauna is portable, efficient, affordable, natural, simple, holistic, and powerful!


Buy Your Relax Sauna Today!

It is known as the Superior sauna

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1. Fibromyalgia Syndrome and Spa Therapy: Myth or Reality? (Giacomo M. Guidelli, Sara Tenti, Emanuele De Nobili, and Antonella Fioravanti)

2. ​Infrared Sauna in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. A pilot study showing good tolerance, short-term improvement of pain and stiffness, and a trend towards long-term beneficial effects

Fredrikus G J Oosterveld 1, Johannes J Rasker, Mark Floors, Robert Landkroon, Bob van Rennes, Jan Zwijnenberg, Mart A F J van de Laar, Gerard J Koel

3. ​Effects of Waon therapy on chronic fatigue syndrome: a pilot study Yuji Soejima 1, Takao Munemoto, Akinori Masuda, Yuuki Uwatoko, Masaaki Miyata, Chuwa Tei

4. Efficacy of Waon therapy for fibromyalgiaKakushi Matsushita 1, Akinori Masuda, Chuwa Tei