Are You Seeing Multiple Doctors?
Today, seeing multiple doctors and specialists seek a solution to their health problems over time is common. However, the experience of being given another medication or having a dose increased without addressing the root cause of the problem can be frustrating for patients.
There are several reasons why seeing multiple doctors happen.
- The healthcare industry is complex.
- Doctors may have limited time to spend with patients
- Leading to a focus on symptom management rather than a deeper investigation of underlying causes.
Confusion with Seeing Multiple Doctors
Additionally, the pharmaceutical industry plays a significant role in the healthcare system, and doctors may be incentivized to prescribe medications rather than explore alternative treatments.

Furthermore, the current fee-for-service payment model in healthcare may also contribute to this issue. Doctors are paid for each visit or procedure they perform rather than for the patient’s overall health outcomes. This can lead to focusing on treating symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of a patient’s health problems.
Value-Based Care
There is a growing movement towards value-based care to address this issue, which focuses on improving patient outcomes rather than simply providing treatment. Value-based care models aim to incentivize doctors and healthcare providers to work together to improve patient’s overall health rather than focusing on individual visits or treatments.
In conclusion, the healthcare industry is complex, and patients may experience frustration when seeking a solution to their health problems. However, with a shift towards value-based care, there is hope for a more holistic approach to healthcare that addresses the root cause of health problems and improves patient outcomes.
And you still suffer with:
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It IS time to get off the spiral of disease management.
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Seeing multiple doctors?