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Protocol for Stopping Coffee/Caffeine

food coffeeThis program to help stop coffee or caffeine consumption has been used with thousands of patients.  People who have tried to quit before say this works when other things they tried did not.  Most people who were drinking only a few cups of coffee a day say they don’t get headaches, and people who were drinking a lot more than that say they only get symptoms for a few days instead of a few weeks.

Program for Discontinuing Caffeine

1.     To minimize withdrawal symptoms consider taking the following supplements:

*  Vitamin B12 – 1000 mcg twice daily

*  Super B Complex – 50 mg of all B vitamins

*  Lecithin – 2400 mg with each meal

*  Vitamin E – 800 IU daily

*  Vitamin C – 1 to 2 grams three times daily

Continue these supplements until all symptoms have passed (usually 7-14 days), then take an additional 3-5 days.  Take with food for optimum absorption.

2.     Alternative stimulants:

*  Peppermint          * Ginger         * Cayenne         *  Exercise         * Cool showers         * Green tea         * Mata tea

Use these instead of caffeine when you have to stay awake.

3.     Drink Chamomile tea, 4-5 cups daily, hot or cold throughout the day.  Chamomile acts as a nervine, a substance that nourishes the nerves, so that you will not feel drowsy or shaky, but relaxed and alert.  Chamomile is specific for countering the adverse effects of caffeine.  Passiflora, skullcap, oats and red clover may be added to the tea.

4.     Watch for hidden sources of caffeine.  Caffeine is contained in coffee, black teas, chocolate, many carbonated drinks, and stimulant herbal teas.

5.     Avoid constipation during withdrawal by drinking adequate amounts of water/fluid (8-10 cups daily).  Eat fresh vegetables and fruit, whole grains, raw expeller-pressed oils such as flax or olive.  Take daily walks or perform other exercises.  Headaches in particular are sometimes caused by re-absorption of toxins due to constipation.

If you are trying to get off any substance contact Dr. Keri Brown or call our office at 719-539-7065 for a phone health consult.

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