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Whole Health Approach to Stress and Anxiety

Natural Treatment for Stress

Finding Balance in Today’s World

Stress is not necessarily bad because we can learn from it, but uncontrollable stress reactions can have effects on our health.

We will look at on overall approach to understanding stress and several ways to cope with it. 

Natural Treatment for Stress stress in a women

Natural Treatment for Stress can Involve:

Stress-related anxiety can vary greatly regarding the symptoms that occur.

  • Review of Stress Response and Adrenal Function
  • Overview of General Adaptation Syndrome
  • Signs & Symptoms of Adrenal Weakness
  • Assessment of Adrenal Function
  • The Sleep Connection
  • Herbal and Nutritional Therapies
  • Mind Body Techniques
  • The most frequent undesirable reaction to stress is anxiety.  The stress response is much more related to an individual’s coping mechanism than the degree of stress.  Some people can cope with stress in their daily lives more than others.

Common symptoms are the feeling of butterflies in the stomach, constriction in the throat, an increased sense of panic, insomnia, a decrease in attention at work, and chest palpitations.  Anxiety symptoms are the effect of stress, not the cause of it.

We will cover a variety of ideas and techniques that can be used immediately to reduce stress and help you breathe lighter. Using herbal medicine, nutrition, homeopathy, metaphysician stills, and mind-body connection, hundreds of people have found support.

Stress Reduction Ideas

Look below at some of the ideas for calming the mind and reducing stress for Natural Treatment for Stress.

Creative ideas to support stress reduction

Lifestyle Index

Mind Calming Techniques

If stress gets out of hand, it can aggravate many conditions relating to various organ systems. Aggravations can include allergies, arthritis, atherosclerosis, asthma, cancer, colitis, diabetes, emphysema, gastritis, hypertension, low back syndrome, neurosis, neuromuscular syndromes, speech problems, and ulcers.

Schedule for NET mind-body Solutions to help reduce your stress and PSTD.

Let us help you find the balance and calmness you deserve. Schedule an appointment today by phone to help you move safely through life.

Dr. Brown is a supporter of MMJ treatment in CO.

Take yourself to the next level—



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