ADDICTION RECOVERY TREATMENT PRELIMINARY LAB WORK The following conditions must be considered in the individual with an ADDICTION RECOVERY TREATMENT. Choose labwork to screen first for these conditions and proceed …


6 STEPS TO DECISION MAKING I have many clients who ask me about decision making. When unsure what path to follow, what job to take, or the next move, consider …

Now we are HERE
Now we are HERE Sheltering, isolating, protecting But if we can’t go wide, Perhaps we can go deep– Strengthening our roots, Finding ways to engage ours with those beyond the …
Esophageal reflex and hiatal hernia treatment support
Supporting your digestive system and GERD, heartburn and hiatal hernia with solutions that work In the last blog from Dr. Keri Brown on Esophageal reflex and hiatal hernia you’ll reminder …
Heart Burn, esophageal reflex or hiatal hernia
Heart Burn, esophageal reflex and hiatal hernia all have symptoms in common DEFINITION A Hiatal Hernia is caused by Gap in the diaphragm due to congenital defects, laxity of tissue, …
Healing with Nature
Spending time in nature is such a purifying activity. When you do so, recognize the wonderful forces of the spirit that are at work there. See the various entities that …
Action You Take for Stress Reduction
Here are some other things you can do for yourself: Get enough sleep and rest. Take a daily nap. One at noon is best or if that isn’t possible get …
Transforming Stress – Part I of a IV part Series
FIRST STEP: TRANSFORMING STRESS How are you coping? This is a four part series on stress and it’s impact. Stress is a normal part of our everyday lives. Most of …
Healing in Nature
Spending time in nature is such a purifying activity. When you do so, recognize the wonderful forces of the spirit that are at work there. See the various entities that are …
Stress: We’re Hoping Your Coping
According to Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, 22nd edition, stress is defined as the reactions of the body to forces of a deleterious nature, such as infections and various abnormal states that …