Cleanse, Heal, and Rejuvenate Your Body!
21-Day Clinical Detoxification Program
Tired of Chasing Symptoms?
Our Detoxification Program is designed for the body to heal itself. It has helped heal the sick and allows us to stay healthier and feel younger.
Time to Detox!

- Remove the obstacles that cause toxicity
- Enhance the elimination system
- Repair and support the digestive system
- Stimulate and support the liver
- Balancing your blood sugar
- Enhancing your circulation system
- Transform and reduce stress
It has changed my life, and now I bring it to you!
Detoxification Programs have Changed Lives!
Whether anti-aging, healing from a chronic disease, weight loss, or feeling your best is your primary goal, detoxifying the body is critical to any successful health or weight loss program.
“Reboot” Your System
Ask Yourself?
What is your score? Anything above 40, and you should consider this or one of Dr. Brown’s other programs.
Do I Have Toxin Buildup in My Body?

Lifestyle plays a significant factor in how we feel.
Check out the list below.
If you answered YES to any of these, this Detoxification Program may be right.
The excess toxic build-up in the body is eliminated by enhancing the body’s cellular activity and supporting its detoxification ability.
- Do you or have you eaten processed foods?
- Do you eat non-organic vegetables and fruit?
- Do you eat poultry and meat that is not free-range?
- Do you drink soft drinks or soda or consume artificial sweeteners?
- Do you eat that contain preservatives, additives, or coloring?
- Do you eat fast food regularly?
- Do you charbroil or grill foods often?
- Is coffee part of your everyday diet?
- Do you drink alcohol, coffee, or drink chlorinated water regularly?
- Do you have mold issues?
- Have you ever felt well since dental, sugary, or trauma?
- Drug or alcohol issues?
- Do you use chemicals or pesticides in your home?
- Are you exposed to dust, tobacco smoke, mothballs, or varnish?
- Are you exposed to nail polish, perfumes, or hair spray often?
- Are you exposed to diesel fumes, paint fumes, exhaust, or gasoline?
Take These Tests
Determine Your Personal Health Score

Here are some of the reasons my clients conduct this program.
- Arrhythmia
- Arthritis
- Brain fog/mental clarity issues
- Chronic health issues
- Dental procedures
- Depression
- Dermatology issues
- Drugs additions and recovery
- Ear, nose, and throat problems
- Fatigue or feeling tired
- Food cravings or allergies
- Headaches or migraines
- High blood pressure
- Low libido
- Mold issues
- Not felt well since
- Poor digestion, bloated
- Reduced mental clarity
- Sleeping difficulties
- Surgery recover
- Toxic exposure
- Uncontrollable food craving
- Weight gain
These issues or symptoms could be early (or late) signs of instability of a less-than-optimum detoxification function.
Jumpstart into a Cleaner, Brighter, Lighter You!

Designed to help your body function better, lowering your toxicity score and improving your life internally and externally.
Any excessive toxic build-up or hormones are eliminated when you enhance your body’s cellular activity and support its detoxification ability through a 21-Day Detoxification Program.
What Positive Health Results Can I Expect?
My clients have been conducting this program for over 20 years. I have seen high toxicity scores drop by 75% in 3 weeks! It is hard to get these results anywhere else.
- Increase vitality, energy, and stamina.
- Reduction of allergic symptoms
- Improvement in digestive function
- Removal of food addictions
- Enhanced mental performance, clearer thinking
- A sense of calmness and ease
- Improved physical appearance
- Weight reduction
- Heart protection (cholesterol and blood pressure)
- Reduced symptoms of chronic toxicity
- Reduction in risk of many chronic diseases

Fad diets and infomercials are big businesses, but they ignore how our bodies work our lifestyles, and our medical history. Gaining all your weight back or feeling unwell again is all too common.
Turn-Key 21-Day Detoxification Program!
Before you Start, Think About These Steps.
- Evaluate your kitchen: Clear out the foods not on your food list. Remove any foods high in refined sugars, fats, and carbohydrates.
- Stock your pantry: Go shopping for vegetables, protein, fruit, and other items on your food list. Be prepared with a few days’ worth of meals on hand.
- Make simple lifestyle changes.
- Get more sleep.
- Don’t sit for long periods. Take stretching breaks.
- Be more active? Do yoga, take a brisk walk, or enjoy a meditative stroll.
- Complete the Systems Survey and Medical Toxicity Forms before you begin your Program and at the end. These specific forms are used to compare your health journey.
Revive and Rejuvenate Your Body
Today, we face increasing toxic and chemical challenges more significantly than ever. We have altered the chemistry in our backyard by creating harmful chemicals and byproducts.
In 21-Days
- Reduce your toxicity score.
- Change the way you feel.
- Support your body with excellent health.

Positive Health Results Experienced!
Each time you conduct a Clinical Detoxification Program, your exponentially jumps up a degree of longevity! IT IS ANTI-AGING!

Detoxification and Weight Loss, also called purification or cleansing, is a healing method used for centuries.
Simple dietary and lifestyle changes, a supplemental regime, and herbal products can help support your body and mind and jumpstart health!
Nothing comes close to this Program regarding the dramatic health changes we have seen for the better.
We have the tools to stay healthy, reduce our risk of chronic disease, and, when needed, help our bodies turn around to better health.
6 Supportive Health Goals
- Remove the obstacles causing toxicity
- Enhance elimination
- Repair the gastrointestinal system
- Stimulate and support the liver
- Improve circulation in the body
- Transform stress
6 Steps in 3 Weeks
- Modified elimination diet that eliminated all allergens and high glycemic (sugar) foods
- Nutritional supplementation to enhance detoxification and support organ reactions
- Circulatory enhancement (including exercise)
- Stress reduction techniques
- Reintroduction of eliminated foods
- Wellness steps and your action plans
What’s Included:
A turn-key health Program
Each time you conduct the 6 steps, your help exponentially jumps up a degree of longevity! You do this by completing the Menopause Support Program full 10-Day or even 20-day Program (done twice). The Guide Book is clean and concise, supporting you in 6-Step in Balancing your hormones through the Menopause Support Program.

Choose Your Complete Program
Imagine your life in high resolution!
Detoxification Program Mailed to Your Door.
- Download and print Your Detoxification Program Support Guide as a PDF. It contains all the information, guides, charts, and recipes for Turn-Key Five-Steps.
- All Supplements are shipped directly to your door. You get Two Packages delivered. When arriving, two products must be refrigerated: the HLC probiotics and flaxseed oil.
- Functional labs are included in the Program, including pH paper for morning saliva and urine pH monitoring.
You Choose to Add ON to your Detoxification Program.
Program with:
- Blood Sugar Support
- Parasite Protocol
- Heavy Metal Protocol
You can use your FSA and HSA insurance card.
You can use Flex Saving Account or Health Saving Account to pay for clinical fees, tests, and the Detoxification and Weight Loss Support Program.
You are worth it!
1-Day Progr21-Dayludes the Following Supplement Items: (shipped directly to your door)
- Program Guide with 6-turn critical steps for your success. (download)
- Symptom Survey and Medical Toxicity Questioner (download)
- 2 bottles of Liver/Kidney/Blood/Lymphatic Support
- 2 bottles Shake/Whole Foods Complete
- 2 bottles Shake/organic Pea Protein
- 2 bottles GI support/Whole Food Fiber
- 1 bottle of Green Nutrient Food/support liver detoxification
- 1 bottle Amino acid/L-Glutamine
- 1 bottle Amino acid/Glycine
- 1 bottle L. Acid Yeast/adjust pH of the digestive system
- 1 bottle Probiotics/Hof High Intensity
- 1 bottle of Blood Sugar/handing support
- 1 bottle of Blood Sugar/of giving support herbal
- 2 bottles EFA’s/Flax oil
- 1 bottle EFA’s/Tuna oil
- 1 Shake Cup
- 1 Pill Tray Container
It’s a Turn Key Program for Vibrant Health!
What You Will Receive!
This Program will supply your body with 21 days of high-quality whole-food nutritional and herbal supplements, a healthy diet plan, stress reduction techniques, hydrotherapy suggestions, life support plan.

- PDF Guide Book with all 6 steps.
- Modified Elimination Diet with Daily Menu and Recipes
- Whole Food and Herbal Supplements (the program’s key to success)
- pH Lab Testing for Monitoring Your Health
- Circulation Enhancement
Hydrotherapy Treatments suggested Far-Infrared Saunas - Stress Reduction Steps
- Post-Program Food Additions and Your Action Plan
Each time you conduct the Program 6-Steps, your help exponentially jumps up a degree of longevity! You do this by completing the entire 21 -Day program.
Program Focusing on You
The Goal is to Help You Feel Better and Maybe Even Your Best!
You will receive support for your body to cleanse, heal, and rejuvenate itself.
The 21-Day Detoxification Program is designed to give your body the support and nourishment to heal itself. The body is supported by addressing the many different needs that govern health.
Imagine the transformation of your life in high resolution!
This Clinically Supportive Detoxification Program is Turn-Key and Easily Done at Home. Each time you conduct the 6 steps, your help exponentially jumps up a degree of longevity!
Imagine your life in high resolution!
Don’t wait!
As a Doctor, I wouldn’t say I like to chase symptoms. This program, including the Blood Sugar and Female Vitaily Program, addresses issues on a cellular level, where all the action to support your organs happen.
You’re Worth It!
Unhealthy biochemistry and nutrition are significant health issues; we want to help you find solutions.
Contact Us for Support in Your Health
You choose two consultations with Dr. Brown or purchase your 21-Day Detoxification Program.
1. The Complete Detoxification Program OR
2. The Complete Detoxification Program and Two30-minuet Consultations with Dr. Brown
No office visit is required with today’s technology.
To avoid disappointment, be sure to place your DETOXIFICATION PROGRAM order today.
Use your FSA and HSA insurance card
You can use Flex Savings Account or Health Saving Account to pay for clinical fees, tests, and the Detoxification and Weight Loss Support Program if you are a client of Dr. Brown. Click here to SCHEDULE an APPOINTMENT. You will need to call the office on schedule online to use your HSA.
21-Day Detox-Cleanse Essential
Enrich our growing health.
Complete Program shipped to your door.
Download Guidebook and Videos online
Detox-Cleanse Advanced
Support special focus.
+ 45 Minute Consult
21-Day Cleanse Essential Program, PLUS
One Virtual Consultation
21-Day Detox-Cleanse
Take support to the next level.
+ 2/45-Minute Consults & Hair Tissue Test
Tissue Hair Mineral Test – A Vital Step in Your Journey
Two Virtual Consultations
“Naturopathic Doctors are the actual bridge between modern science and the ancient wisdom of natural healing.”
Dr. Allen Gaby, MD
Experience a New Sense of Life
Additional Support You Might Need
Add-ons that are great for health!
- Blood Sugar Support
- Parasite Protocol
- Heavy Metal Protocol
- Hair Mineral and Heavy Metal Test: Hair for mineral and heavy metals analysis is an optional test from ASL. (Optional Purchase at Check Out)
- Hemoglobin A1c Test: The Hemoglobin A1C Test (HbA1c) measures the amount of sugar (glucose) in your blood. When glucose builds up in the blood, it binds to a protein called hemoglobin. Testing your hemoglobin A1c level with the Hemoglobin A1C Test is a great way to gain insight into your body’s ability to metabolize glucose.
- Relax Far Infrared Sauna: Best Portable Far Infrared Sauna for health, immunity, weight loss, and toxin buildup.

Table of Contents
Disclaimer: Any general advice posted on our blog, website, or app is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute for any medical or other advice. Holistic Healthship, Inc. makes no representations or warranties and expressly disclaim any and all liability concerning any treatment, action by, or effect on any person following the general information offered or provided within or through the blog, website, or app. Statements, product selection and claims made for Supplement Plans and programs are independent of our supplement companies. Dr. Brown is authorized to sell Products, but is not a partner, franchisor, joint ventures, agent, or employee of any supplement company. If you have specific concerns or a situation arises in which you require medical advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified medical services provider. informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute for any medical or other advice. All sales are final and cannot be changed after the order is submitted. We only offer refunds if the product arrives damaged. Products received damaged must be documented with pictures and emailed with order/contact information to to be considered for a refund. Natural Health FDA Disclaimer: *These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.