ENDO-MET Supplements

Direct Ordering of ENDO-MET Supplements and Laboratories Doctor Formulated

Endo-Met Nutritional Support

ENDO-MET Supplements provides high-quality supplements specially formulated. Associated with AAL’s Hair Mineral and Heavy Metal Test for tissue heavy metal and mineral deficiency.

Lline of vitamin and mineral supplements designed to assist in balancing body chemistry

Associated with AAL’s Hair Mineral and Heavy Metal Test for tissue heavy metal and mineral deficiency. You must call their office at Endo-Med at 602-995-1581 to set up an initial account under Dr. Keri Brown.

Protecting nutrients in their natural state.

How It Works

Patient Direct Ordering gives you access to order need when you need them.

ENDO-MET Supplements and Laboratories’ use in their nutritional supplements is designed to balance the ALA Hair Mineral Analysis Test.

ENDO-MET Supplements

Key Benefits of Direct Ordering

  1. Place Orders Online
  2. View & Trace Orders
  3. Receive Products at Your Doorstep
  4. Order and Reorder at Your Convenience

Receive All Your ENDO-MET Laboratories Supplies from Dr. Brown’s Dispensary with Patient Direct ordering at Endo-Met. Dr. formulated and supported you can BUY NOW Dr. Keri Bronw’s health-supported programs.

Use the following links below to access our online supplement ordering system to purchase recommended supplements: 

Self-Guided Health Supplement Plans

Healthy Supplement Plans can help play a central role in everyday activities. Keeping healthy with TOP Supplement Support and ENDO-MET Laboratories is essential to keeping the body healthy.

Explore ENDO-MET Laboratories to learn which products support healthy coronary blood flow and the body’s natural inflammatory response function.

If you experience issues beyond the ENDO-MET Laboratories, contact Dr. Brown for a remote appointment for personal consultations. She can tailor fit a plan to fit your unique body chemistry. Addressing the whole of you!

Though we can’t make the immune system invincible to these days’ pressures, we can make it more prepared.

Research Out to Us

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call.