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Expressing Life as Practice
Moving from Fear to Contentment
Practical spiritual applications for wellness

What ides for expressing the Power of Devine Life
could you implement as a daily practice?


Some suggestion to spark the imagination.

  • Concentrate on Divine Life; use it as a mantra in your mediation. plants2
  • Breathe in Divine Life to each energy center in your body’s chakras; enhancing the body’s vitality when walking in nature.
  • Sing or chant songs of Life; vibrating the body with movement.
  • Just sit and BE; radiating Life, in the flow of Divine Life.
  • Affirm the wholeness of your True Self; Life flowing in your body– mind- spirit.
  • Use your creativity to make art that represents to expresses Divine Life.
  • Cook with the intention of infusing Life into the food to nourish the body and soul/
  • Take a class on astronomy to physiology.
  • Place a Life-affirming quote on your bathroom mirror so you see it often.Box attitude 305
  • When driving in traffic a feeling frustrated, pivot your awareness and beam the spiritual quality of Divine Life to other drivers and passengers.
  • Allow and then direct Divine Life to circulate as health in your body and affairs.

Contact Dr. Brown for supportive mediations classes in the Treasures and Pleasures of Life.  


Dr. Keri Brown

Dr. Keri Brown, ND began studying natural medicine more than twenty five years ago. She studied herbology in the early 1980’s, received a B.Sc. in environmental biology and chemistry in the mid 1980's, starting studying homeopathy the late 1980’s and obtained her degree as a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in the 1990’s. Keri experience in sustainable medicine and living is vast. She has spent a number of years living off-grid, has surveying and worked on our forests, has built straw bale homes, has taught about renewable energy with and has recently developed, a sustainable natural first aid kit company providing healing kits for an effective approach to treating accidents and injuries. Keri conducts programs for individuals and corporations on Clinical Purification, Natural First Aid Treatments for Accidents, Rattle Snake and Insect Bite Care and more. Keri can be found at

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