Functional Medicine Lab Test to be Done at Home
You can conduct these functional medicine lab tests: Mineral and Heavy Mental, Zinc Tally test, to your Urine and Saliva pH, at home. You can download each functional test form and print it out with your order. The instructions are clear, and charts allow your health progress to be evaluated and followed once filled out.
These functional medicine lab tests are historically known for monitoring your health and body functions. Dr. Brown’s Functional Medicine Lab Test for Home can be purchased directly in our store and directly mailed to you. All downloads for review and printing are available.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test

This functional medicine lab test profiles your mineral and trace minerals, including heavy metals like alumina, mercury, and cadmium. The complete Multi-Element Laboratory Analysis includes a thorough 35-45-page interpretation guidebook that reviews significant mineral levels and ratios and provides pertinent information relating to you. The test consists of your mineral levels, metabolic rate, energy levels, sugar and carbohydrate tolerance, immune system, glandular activity, autonomic balance, metabolic trends, basic dietary guidelines, and a complete dietary supplement program designed to balance body chemistry. (The test is included and shipped to your door. The handout is downloaded.)
See White Paper Directions here: Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and Heavy Metal by Analytical Research Lab
pH Saliva and Urine Test Paper

Body pH is critical because pH controls the speed of our body’s biochemical reactions. It does this by controlling the speed of enzyme activity and how electricity moves through our bodies. The higher (more alkaline) the pH of a substance or solution, the more electrical resistance that substance or solution holds. Therefore, electricity travels slower with higher pH. If we say something has an acid pH, it is hot and fast. Alkaline pH, on the other hand, biochemically speaking, is slow and calm.
(Test included and shipped to your door. You then downloaded the handout.)
See White Paper Directions here: pH Saliva and Urine
Zinc Status Test

Zinc is responsible for over 50 co-enzyme reactions in our bodies. That means it keeps many-body circuits, our biochemistry, running smoothly. Zinc is an essential co-factor of the immune system, healing, and sexual hormone system.
(Test included and shipped to your door. You then downloaded the handout.)
See White Paper Directions here: Zinc Tally Test
Iodine Fulfillment Test
Total Body Iodine Fulfillments or Sufficiency can finally resolve challenging, stubborn problems that resist all other treatments. Called Orthoiodo-supplementation, this nutritional approach employs elemental iodine supplements until the thyroid gland, and all other iodine-sensitive sites in the body have reached iodine sufficiency.
See White Paper Directions here: Iodine Fulfillment Test
Eldon Blood Typing Kit
This kit comes complete with everything you need, including instructions, finger lancet, alcohol prep, plastic applicator sticks, and testing card. Performing the test is easy.
After first cleaning with the supplied alcohol prep pad, the index or middle finger is lanced with the sterile disposable lancet. You turn your hand downward, and a drop of blood is placed on top of each of the four sticks. The sticks are then applied to the card and stirred for two minutes. The results are then read from the card. The total time to results is less than five minutes. Single-use test.
(Test included and shipped to your door. The handout is downloaded.)
Eldon Blood Typing Kit
Basal Body Temperature
Basal body temperature monitors fluctuations in a woman’s monthly cycle and determines how well the thyroid is working. Historically, one of the most consistent ways of assessing one’s thyroid function is by checking body temperature because this reflects the thyroid’s influence on the body’s metabolic rate.1 A basal body temperature that is consistently less than 97.8° F over one month may indicate low thyroid function. Other tests, primarily blood tests, have been developed to check thyroid function. However, these values may come back normal even though symptoms of hypothyroidism are present. (Complimentary handout Functional Medicine lab test with Package)
Yeast Saliva Spit Test
The yeast test is a do-it-yourself test to determine a possible overgrowth of fungus. The functional tests look at your first-morning spit. A positive sign with this useful medicine lab test shows overgrowth of fungus and should be discussed with Dr. Brown for appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
See White Paper Directions here: Yeast Test through Saliva
Annual Blood Work Lab Test
Annual fasting blood test for CBC, thyroid, heart, sugar, Vitamin D, and other tests. Conducted via Patient orders and payment online at, through your physician and insurance, or contact Dr. Brown at 719-423-0306 for the office to order these labs for you.
(Complimentary handout Functional Medicine lab test with Package)