Complete Hair Mineral Test & Metals
It screens for 20 Minerals and Toxic Metals in the Hair Mineral Test
Welcome to the Complete Hair Mineral Test & Metals, an essential step towards understanding your overall health and well-being. Dr. Brown pioneered this test over 20 years ago as she embarked on her personal journey to take control of her health. This comprehensive examination assesses an often overlooked aspect of health—minerals and heavy metal toxicity.

Why is Mineral Balance Crucial?
Feeling stressed, tired, anxious, or overwhelmed could signal that your nervous system is strained. Minerals, including electrolytes, provide the energy you need to navigate your day and counteract the effects of stress. The Hair Mineral Test & Heavy Metals thoroughly evaluates adrenal function, the body’s stress support system, and toxic metal exposure.
Do You Suffer From?
Heavy metal toxicity can manifest as high stress, anxiety, overwhelm, learning disabilities (especially in children), mood disturbances, energy fluctuations, headaches, skin rashes, tingling/numbness, poor sleep, and more. These toxic elements can occur daily, even through the skin and cosmetic products.

- Pre-diabetes
- Thyroid and Adrenal Assessment
- High Stress
- Anxiety
- Overwhelm
- Learning Disabilities (Children)
- Mood disturbances
- Highs/Low in energy
- Headaches
- Skin rashes
- Tingling/numbness
- Poor sleep
Unable to Deal with Stress Effectively?
This Hair Mineral Test will enable you to see how well your nervous system is handling stress, what stage of adrenal dysfunction you may be in, what your mineral reserves are like, and if you’re dealing with higher levels of toxic heavy metals. This is because if you are not balanced regarding your electrolyte and mineral levels, you cannot deal with stress in your life adequately.
If mineral reserves are low, electrolytes are imbalanced, or you’ve been exposed to high levels of toxic metals, you won’t be able to deal with stress effectively. You may experience a range of health challenges.
Your mineral levels include your electrolytes, which provide you with the energy you need to get through your busy day and buffer the effects of stress.
See Nutrients and Heavy Metals
What is Your Mineral Balance?
In the Hair Mineral Test, someone tells us they are stressed, tired, anxious, and overwhelmed. This is the first test we reach for.!
For heavy metal toxicity, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury are among the four most common heavy metals that cause health-related issues. Exposure can happen daily, even from the skin and cosmetic products approved to put on our bodies!
Collection Method: Hair Sample
The Hair Mineral and Heavy Metal Test utilizes a hair sample to reveal crucial insights into your nutrient levels and heavy metal exposure.
What is Tested?
What Does the Hair Mineral Test Tell You?
It is a screening test that measures the mineral content of your hair. The Hair Analysis Kit, with its report, provides pertinent information about your:

- Metabolic rate
- Energy levels
- Sugar and carbohydrate tolerance
- Stage of stress
- Immune system
- Glandular activity
- Heavy metal load
Mineral imbalances can also impact overall health. Imbalances of minerals like iron, magnesium, and potassium can not only cause fatigue but could also indicate more serious medical issues later in life.
Exposure to high concentrations of heavy metals is possible through food, air, or water pollution, medicines, or even food containers with an improper coating.

- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Iron
- Copper
- Manganese
- Zinc
- Chromium
- Selenium
- Phosphorus
Toxic Metals

- Lead
- Mercury
- Cadmium
- Arsenic
- Aluminum
- Nickle
- Cobalt
- Molybdenum
- Lithium
- Boron
Oxidative Rate
- Slow oxidation
- Fast oxidation
- Mixed oxidation
This test will help you discover the early warning signs of heavy metal toxicity and potential mineral deficiencies through a simple hair sample, proven to be an accurate measurement method.
What’s Included in the Hair Mineral Test and Heavey Metal Test
Each lab test comes complete with everything you need to take it easily at home and at your convenience.

Allow approximately 3 weeks for the lab to process your results once you’ve returned your sample.
No More Guesswork
This Hair Mineral Test includes the complete Multi-Element Laboratory Assay, plus a thorough 35-45-page interpretation that reviews significant mineral levels and ratios and provides pertinent information about you.
Please Note: Hair Mineral Test Must Be Submitted Within THREE Months Of Purchase
Questions and Answers
Q: How will I receive my Hair Mineral and Heavy Metal Test results and call to review those results?
Once you have mailed in your Mineral and Heavy Metal Test lab sample, please follow the steps below to set up an appointment (if chosen) to review your results and new wellness recommendations:
*Please wait until ALL samples have been mailed if doing lab bundles
– If you ordered your Lab through us and included a health coaching call, please email schedule your health call under Here.
*Results will be sent to you via mail.
Q: What if I have additional questions?
A: You can contact us for general questions.
If you have a more specific question about your sample collection, you may contact the Lab directly to better guide you. Each instruction sheet has contact information that is available to answer your questions promptly!
Q: I lost my instructions for the Hair Mineral Test. Where can I find a copy?
A: For instructions on the Mineral and Heavy Metal Test, please visit the lab’s website’s Instructions page.
Q: Where should I take my samples from?
A: Head hair is taken from the nape of the neck (in several small selections so as not to leave any noticeable patches)

Q: What if my hair has been dyed recently?
A: If you have dyed your hair, we recommend waiting at least 6 weeks before taking a sample
When interpreted correctly, hair analysis can answer the following questions:
- Do you lack minerals that are needed to produce energy? Minerals such as magnesium, selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, and others are required in critical steps of the body’s energy cycle. Hair analysis can reveal low mineral levels years before they appear on other tests.
- Are toxic metals causing fatigue and other health problems? Toxic metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminum, and others interfere with thousands of enzyme reactions, many of which involve energy production. Toxic metals go under the radar because blood tests do not detect them. However, everyone today has high levels of toxic metals in their bodies due to food, air, and water contamination. Although no test can detect the total amount of toxic metals in the body, hair analysis is a reliable test for toxic metal poisoning.
- WHY are your hormone levels low? Many people learn that their fatigue, cold intolerance, weight gain, and other symptoms are due to low hormone levels. But instead of looking for a cause, most doctors prescribe daily hormone replacement medication to manage the problem. Meanwhile, hair analysis can reveal several underlying causes of low hormones, including copper and mercury toxicity and low levels of selenium, zinc, and chromium.
- Thyroid effect. Even when hormone levels are normal, many people still suffer from fatigue and other signs of hypothyroidism. This is because other factors can prevent cell use of hormones. Hair analysis can show you if your hormones are reaching the cells and having the desired effect.
- Adrenal burnout or insufficiency. Adrenal insufficiency refers to the inadequate production of adrenal hormones (aldosterone, cortisol, etc.). When adrenal hormone production is low, chronic fatigue and exhaustion are common. Since the adrenal hormones have powerful effects on your mineral levels, hair analysis can assess the adrenal glands from several angles. It is probably the most reliable test for adrenal insufficiency, a common problem today.
- Why fatigue does not respond to iron supplementation, many cases of anemia have nothing to do with iron deficiency. For example, without bioavailable copper, iron is not incorporated into hemoglobin. In this case, iron supplementation is a bad idea and can make your health worse. Hair analysis can identify several biochemical imbalances associated with anemia, including copper imbalance, lead toxicity, and cadmium toxicity.
- How is stress affecting your health? Excessive stress from stimulant use, fast-paced lifestyles, worry, lack of rest, nutritional depletion, and other factors activate the sympathetic nervous system, also known as the fight-or-flight response. Excessive stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system prevents adequate body regeneration and eventually leads to burnout. Hair analysis can show you if you’re stuck in fight-or-flight and the impact it is having on your health.
- What vitamins and minerals do you need to rebalance and heal? Each person has unique nutritional needs based on their metabolic type, mineral balance, and other factors. Hair analysis and nutritional balancing are the most scientific and efficient ways to determine which foods and supplements you need the most.
Hair analysis can also answer the following:
- Are you a Fast or Slow Oxidizer? (Critical for determining your nutritional needs.)
- How much fat should you include in your diet? (Fast oxidizers need more fats.)
- Are you eating the wrong foods for your metabolic type?
- Is it safe to become pregnant?
- Are you using toxic personal care products, such as aluminum-containing antiperspirants?
- Occupational Exposure to Heavy Metals: Is your job making you sick?
- Your Stage of Stress: Are you in the exhaustion stage?
- Are you eating too many carbohydrates?
The Hair Mineral and Heavy Metal Test is a thorough test often used in our practice.
The Hair Mineral Test Previously Known as the Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test (HTMA)
Dr. Brown offers you access to the only complete tissue hair mineral analysis with individualized test interpretation using the method developed by ARL (Analytical Research Laboratory).
This test is like a non-invasive tissue mineral biopsy, relatively inexpensive, and highly accurate.
Interpretations by Dr. Brown
The information provided in the chart and guide can help you interpret this test. However, if you would like Dr. Brown to help you navigate the test and develop a treatment plan for your health, please schedule an appointment using this link, then Telemedicine by phone or Skype.