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Healthy Blood Sugar Support Plan

This is recommended as a general Healthy Blood Sugar Support Plan and self-guided 30-day plan to provide healthy joint support and promotes healthy blood sugar stability and supports the body’s normal blood sugar process.*

If you experience blood sugar issues, Contact Dr. Brown for a remote appointment. She can tailor fit a plan to fit your unique body chemistry. Addressing the whole of you!

Explore Standard Process® supplements to learn which products support a Healthy Blood Sugar Support Plan.

Shop By Function

Healthy Blood Sugar Support Plan

Diaplex, 150 Capsules

Contains chromium, an essential  nutrient involved in carbohydrate metabolism.* $48.40 LEARN MORE

3555 Diaplex Capsule Front
Upon WakingBreakfast10AMLunch2PMDinnerBefore Bed

Suggested Use:

  • You will need 2 bottles for 30 days.
  • Take 2 capsules with meals as indicated in the chart.

Gymnema, 120 Tablets

Gymnema contains Gymnema leaf, which provides anti-sweetness activity by suppressing the ability to detect sweet tastes.* $72.05 LEARN MORE

M1325 Gymnema Bottle Tablet Front
Upon WakingBreakfast10AMLunch2PMDinnerBefore Bed

Cataplex® GTF, 180 Tablets

Cataplex GTF supports carbohydrate digestion and encourages healthy blood sugar utilization at cellular level.* $33.55 LEARM MORE

4680 Cataplex GTF Tablet Front
Upon WakingBreakfast10AMLunch2PMDinnerBefore Bed

Suggested Use:

  • You will need 1 bottle for 30 days.
  • Take 1 tablet with meals as indicated in the chart.


Perform this plan with the guidance of a qualified health practitioner. Schedule a remote or office appointment with Dr. Keri Brown if you need support for this plan. In addition to the supplements and suggested usage above, we recommend the following.

The Importance of Medical Professionals

If you are on pharmaceutical products and would like a medical professional to help regulate dosages and herbal interactions, please request an online appointment.

  • Health Screening and Risk Management
  • Pharmaceutical Dosing Modulation 
  • Herbs and Drug Interactions
  • Medical Testing and Tracking of Metrics

Stress-Free Online Holistic Care

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You can live anywhere and receive care that can change your life!

online holistic health care

You can live anywhere and receive care and holistic education that can change your life!

No one has the answer to all the disorders before us. However, a holistic health approach has proven to be one of the most effective health-enhancing choices we can find.

“Naturopathic Doctors are the true bridge between scientific modern medicine and the ancient wisdom of natural healing.”

Dr. Allen Gaby, MD

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Any general advice posted on our blog, website, or app is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute for any medical or other advice.

Holistic Healthship, Inc. makes no representations or warranties and expressly disclaim any and all liability concerning any treatment, action by, or effect on any person following the general information offered or provided within or through the blog, website, or app.

Statements, product selection and claims made for Supplement Plans are independent of Standard Process Inc.. Dr. Brown is authorized to sell Standard Process Products, but is not a partner, franchisor, joint ventures, agent, or employee of Standard Process Inc. If you have specific concerns or a situation arises in which you require medical advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified medical services provider. informational purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute for any medical or other advice.