Cardiovascular & Heart Health
As you will see from the studies below,
Sauna use, and precisely far infrared sauna use, has many benefits for cardiovascular health. Increasing core temperature raises the heart rate, similar to light exercise. Sauna use also increases the dilation (opens up) of the arteries. Be sure to drink plenty of water and include some electrolytes in the water (like those found in sports drinks), as these are depleted by sweating.
Sauna use reduces fatal cardiovascular events and has a cardiovascular protective effect.
A study in Finland found that regular sauna use reduced the rate of fatal cardiovascular events in a group of men looking for Heart Health. The amount of reduction also increased with frequency. (1)
Sauna use increases heart rate. It works out the heart, similar to brisk walking.
A study on people with heart inflammation (Post-Myocardial Infarction) found that sauna use increased heart rate but at half the rate of dysrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) than during exercise. (1)
The study found that sauna use reduced high blood pressure (hypertension) over long-term use.
A study on people with high blood pressure found that 3 months of bi-weekly sauna use reduced blood pressure to the equivalent level that some people would get from anti-hypersensitive medication. (2) This study also found that blood pressure decrease was more significant in a group that combined exercise and sauna use than with exercise alone or complete Heart Health.
Sauna use increases weight loss and burns more fat than exercise alone.
A study found that people who combined 30 minutes of sauna use and 15 minutes of exercise lost 80% more weight and 460% more body fat than the control group, which only exercised. (2)
Far Infrared has been shown to increase vascular dilation.
A Japanese study found significant improvement in vascular dilation (opening of arteries) for patients with previous congestive heart failure for better Heart Health. The patients had 15 minutes of sauna use and 30 minutes of bed rest over 14 days. Their vascular dilation levels improved to nearly those in a healthy control group. This same study also compared 2 groups with congestive heart failure and found that vascular dilation enhanced in the group which used a far infrared sauna, while they saw no improvement in the control group.
Far infrared sauna use lowered the frequency of irregular heartbeats
The Japanese researchers then studied a group with irregular heart rhythms, specifically premature ventricular contractions. After 4 weeks of far infrared sauna therapy, 15 minutes per session, and 5 days per week, they found significant improvement in systolic blood pressure. In addition, the test subjects had improved oxygen levels, circulation, and incredible stamina (exercise tolerance). The following year, the sauna group required fewer hospitalizations than the non-sauna group. Thus, bettering Heart Health. (4)
Give the Gift of Health
detox, sleep, sweat, and feel great!
The Relax Sauna is portable, efficient, affordable, natural, simple, holistic, and powerful!
In Search of a Solution
Talk to Dr. Keri Brown about nutrition, stress reduction, and Relax Sauna for heart health.
Doctors, practitioners, and those afflicted
have not comprehended, diagnosed, and even treated the complexity of situations with Heart Health.
Accurate proper diagnoses and adequate treatments are rare, and many lives have been crushed and devastated; careers lost individuals, and families ruined, financially and otherwise. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Brown for supportive care in Heart Health.
Relax Far Infrared Sauna Provides Relief & Remission
Fortunately, however, there is now a timely relief
for many of the symptoms of the crippling disease. The Relax Far Infrared Sauna is exceptionally effective for Heart Health. Comfort has been reported by Relax Sauna customers, who are incredibly grateful as they noted they miraculously went into remission after using the far-infrared sauna for as little as 15 minutes a day. The Relax Saunas YouTube Channel contains many personal Heart Health relief testimonials.
Buy Your Relax Sauna Today!
It is known as the Superior sauna
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1. Luurila OJ. Arrhythmias and other cardiovascular responses during Finish Sauna and exercise testing in healthy men and post-myocardial infarction patients. Acta Med Scan Suppl 1980;641:1-60.
2. Siewert C, Siewert H, Winterfeld HJ, Strangfeld D. Changes of central and peripheral hemodynamics during isometric and dynamic exercise in hypertensive patients before and after regular sauna therapy. Z Kardiol 1994;83:652-657.
4. Miyamoto H, Kai H, Nakaura H, et al. Safety and efficacy of repeated sauna bathing in patients with chronic systolic heart failure: a preliminary report. J Card Fail 2005;11:432-436.
5. Tanjaniina Laukkanen, MSc1; Hassan Khan, MD, PhD2; Francesco Zaccardi, MD3; et al. Association Between Sauna Bathing and Fatal Cardiovascular and All-Cause Mortality Events