Keeping a Secret from Myself
There is magic and mystery in “keeping a secrete from myself.”
In Keeping a Secret from Myself, we must be still enough to hear and open to all possibilities in the mid-flight. But if we go too far down the “rabbit hole,” we can get caught up in the collective chaos around us.
When we get stuck to “our story,” our past and our programming, and our education when facts get in the way of the truth, our vision is blurred, and it becomes easy to get stagnant in our knowing and evolution. But the awakening, which can happen and change at any time, is perfect dysfunction in perfect function. No matter how much we want to resist it.
The only variance is in the experience and vision that one chooses to follow, excluding the ego. X, Y, and Z can be observed and connected as the mind and spirit expands. Experience the same or different – it can go either way. But when they are the same, the path can be unique and eye-opening in congruency of knowing in healing.

The seeds must be planted to see into the holograph or vision learned or experienced. And yet once installed, they still need to be geminated.
Will we take the time?
The student of Keeping a Secret, the wise ones, say yes!
It is up to us to walk the journey. Not many are willing to walk the road. It is up to us to germinate our seeds – regardless of how enlightening the first experience was.
We must do the work for expansion and health to occur from the cellular level to the infinite.
I wish it were more straightforward than that.
And holy moly –
Life is too short, especially after we have traveled in the back eddies of Sacha Mama (mother of the water) in survival mode for any length of time.
It will be over before we know it, and journeying in the “wormhole” to various locations can help create health – if nowhere else but in our heads.

Momentum Tunnel in Keeping the Secret
To put it more simply, it is like a momentum tunnel or DNA stain. There are many strains of karma and a few of destiny. You can follow any line. Only 1% lies out of the tunnel. We can bring that one percent of destiny into the tunnel for things to change. Join another destiny and have 2, 3, or more strains form and intertwine – instantly changing our future, health, or insight.
The path offers you a clearer vision.
As a Naturopathic Doctor, lightworker, medicine worker, and Shamanic healer, my job is to see through the veil, help you remove any causes or attachments that block your flow, and help you clear a way to your destiny.
Contact me for support and a phone or office consultation or a class to help you expand your vision and clear the way to renewal with heavy energy and entity removal on a spirit level.