Lyme Disease & Far Infrared Saunas
Why is the Relax Sauna the superior sauna?
“It was a godsend…”
“It gave me my life back!”
When detoxing the body from Lyme,
Immediate die-off effects can overrun Lyme disease-related neurotoxins, environmental and other toxic burdens, the liver, and kidneys. In turn, generates even more immediate toxins to filter out, flow through the blood and eliminate.
We can significantly relieve the burden on the organs, especially our eliminative organs, by eliminating these infections through sweating.
Because the skin is our largest organ, sweating forces them out quickly through the skin layers, efficiently and gently. Plus, it releases endorphins, which make us feel good!
With sauna and sweat therapy, the kidneys, liver, and intestinal tract have less to process, and Lyme disease symptoms can be substantially lessened.
Far infrared saunas are most effective for Lyme because they detoxify the body deeply, penetrating inches into the tissues. This also means that the high heat of traditional saunas is not necessary. The far Infrared is a much more comfortable experience. It is quite pleasant!
Far Infrared Uses Light Energy
Far infrared uses light energy rather than raw heat, so our body readily absorbs this frequency and relaxes into our indigenous natural vibration. Because this Light can go deeply into the tissues and remove toxins on a cellular level, it does not irritate and tax the adrenal system. It lifts the stress right out of the body!
Additionally, far infrared sauna therapy will lower inflammation related to Lyme (and other reasons) and reduce chronic pain. It will relax the muscles and joints and greatly assist overall circulation and blood flow. This helps the body immensely.
The much overlooked lymphatic system is a vital aspect of immune function, and far infrared is known for activating this system as it simultaneously increases micro-circulation. Since the lymph system helps remove toxins, it will also increase the delivery and absorption of nutrients and send them to the cells, which will now be less compromised. Cells are healthier and receive more nutrition!
Lyme disease parasites and co-infections are susceptible to heat. It does not like the rapid vibrations of far infrared rays penetrating the spaces it has invaded. It will debilitate them; they will struggle to stay alive and maintain hold inside the human body. Eventually, they are forced out of the body with heat, sweat, and detox on other levels.
While nothing can claim to be a cure-all, far infrared therapy can provide significant relief. By relaxing tense muscles, and chronic inflammation and alleviating joint and tissue pain, people living with Lyme disease can function and sleep better and more deeply for the first time in years.
As a holistic, non-toxic, gentle, pleasurable therapy, many have found that they could return to work, resume activities of daily living, care for their families and enjoy life again.
Say goodbye to parasites and toxins.
Far infrared saunas are most effective for Lyme
Because they detoxify the body on a deep level, penetrating inches into the tissues. That also means that traditional saunas’ high heat is unnecessary; so far, Infrared is a much more comfortable experience.
It is quite pleasant!
Far infrared uses light energy rather than raw heat, so our body readily absorbs this frequency and relaxes into our indigenous natural vibration. Because this Light can go deeply into the tissues and remove toxins on a cellular level, it does not irritate and tax the adrenal system.
It lifts the stress right out of the body!
Far infrared sauna therapy will also lower Lyme-related inflammation and reduce chronic pain. It will relax the muscles and joints and greatly assist overall circulation and blood flow. This helps the body immensely.
The Relax Sauna is known as the Superior sauna because it produces a full sweat in just a few minutes. It is powerful! It warms instantly and vibrates your body’s water molecules immediately. It can conveniently be transported from home to office or any location. It is practical, affordable, and completely safe.
Lyme testimonial videos
Many people have reported their experiences using the Relax Sauna to aid their Lyme disease protocol.
Review of Relax Sauna
for a person suffering from Lyme
“I can’t tell you how much difference the RELAX Far Infrared sauna has made. I feel years younger after 4 weeks of using. 80% or more of my Lyme symptoms are gone. My skin is fantastic (a significant side effect, and I have skin water). I’ve cut my sleep need by 4 or 5 hrs. (chronic fatigue symptoms from Lyme), feeling natural relief from the inner scars from internal work years ago that have always bothered me.
I’ve had a chance for years to try these for 5-10 mins between conference lectures. This is the first time I’ve had 15-20 mins at a time ( I’m doing 10+ on high…turn to low for another 5 mins. Times I’ll shut it off and do a few more mins again. 7-10 mins sure help wake up, although it’s excellent before sleep. I’m just thrilled. I’ve met 3 other people who bought the Relax sauna for Lyme. One has a wood infrared, but it didn’t do the therapeutic job that the Relax Sauna
So far, most get out and say, “that made a difference” Been
Working on old scars and wounds. I keep being more and more impressed, and after trying several dozen infrared devices, I was already sold on these. Using one consistently has been a life changer.” – TM, NY
The Lyme Solution
Lyme disease has become a global epidemic
and a debilitating, frustrating, boggling mystery to those who are afflicted. According to the CDC, it is estimated that 329,000 (range 296,000-376,000) cases of Lyme disease occur annually in the United States. (1)
Dr. Darin Ingels, the author of The Lyme Solution, cites in his book that researchers discovered that Lyme disease has existed for thousands of years. A 5,300-year-old mummy found in the Austrian Alps was found to carry Lyme bacteria. (2)
Also known as Borrelia Burgdorferi, a tick-born parasite that invades mammals and includes a host of co-infections, modern Lyme was rediscovered in the 1970s when numerous people in Lyme, Connecticut, began to display symptoms of severe arthritis; many of them children.
Infections were compared with tick samples from the area. The enigmatic inflammatory condition was found to be related to spirochetes, the characteristic spiral-shaped bacteria now known as Lyme disease. However, Lyme remains a complicated, persistent, clever pathogen so pervasive that it can hide, morph and trick the immune system into attacking itself.
The acute and chronic ‘autoimmune’ disorder has quickly and swiftly become a sweeping universal pandemic. Chronic pain and fatigue, internal inflammation, and debilitating conditions associated with Lyme are challenging to bear physically and emotionally.
In Search of a Solution
Doctors, practitioners, and those afflicted
have been unable to comprehend, diagnose, and even treat the complexity of Lyme disease. Accurate proper diagnoses and adequate treatments are rare, and many lives have been crushed and devastated; careers lost individuals, and families ruined, financially and otherwise.
Relax Far Infrared Sauna Provides Relief & Remission
Fortunately, however, there is now a timely relief
for many of the symptoms of the crippling disease. The Relax Far Infrared Sauna is exceptionally effective for Lyme disease and Lyme co-infections. Comfort has been reported by Relax Sauna customers, who are incredibly grateful as they noted they miraculously went into remission after using the far-infrared sauna for as little as 15 minutes a day. The Relax Saunas YouTube Channel contains many personal Lyme relief testimonials. (3)
Give the Gift of Health
detox, sleep, sweat, and feel great!
The Relax Sauna is portable, efficient, affordable, natural, simple, holistic, and powerful!
Buy Your Relax Sauna Today!
It is known as the Superior sauna
2. The Lyme Solution: A 5-Part Plan to Fight the Inflammatory Autoimmune Response and Beat Lyme Disease