


Opening Hours

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Membership Registration

Real healing takes time.

Becoming a member of NHS with Dr. Brown’s Clincinal Membership Registration. Receive 12 months of

Get a long-term partner dedicated to your health.

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How does membership work?

Our 12-month Complete Care Membership is an annual plan focused on providing holistic care.

What’s included in your Membership

  • Ten in-depth medical visits (naturopathic, functional, and mind-body medicine) with Dr. Brown.
  • Access to advanced diagnostic testing for hormones, genetics, and more.
  • Convenient online scheduling so you can find a time that works best for you or call us.
  • Prescriptions for supplements are all in one place, so you don’t have to figure that out.
  • 15% discounted membership rate at our online supplement store, programs, and classes.
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Complete Care

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I have read and agree to the Clinical Membership Terms.

*See our FAQ for fees and cancellation policy.