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Foundations in Natural Medicine Course

root herbThis is the naturopathic training course for beginner to intermediate students of natural health who wish to deepen their knowledge and experience of natural healing with medical healing plants, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, nutritional therapies, and more as they are used in the real-world setting.

The course is organized around case histories relating to body systems. This will allow us to observe the complexity that arises when one moves from the textbook to real life.

From case history to systems diseases we will move to natural medicine itself and look at a variety of herbs, homeopathic remedies, and nutritional options, going beyond the basics to deeper levels of both the art and science of natural medicine, particularly naturopathic medicine. Current scientific research and literature will be included, as well as historical, traditional, and professional experience.

We will learn about the human body in health and in disease, gaining the knowledge of physiology and pathophysiology that is required to use natural medicine effectively. This will all be presented in the context of ‘wholism’, an appreciation of the psycho-spiritual, cultural and planetary issues that are essential in the healing relationship.

Throughout the 14 session course we will explore the following topics:

1.  Basics of Complementary Medicine in Clinical Practice
We will look at how to perform a productive health interview. We will cover the basics of clinical decision-making and the use of herbal medicine, homeopathy and nutrition, and more.  The logistical elements of practicing natural medicine and organizing a natural pharmacy will be discussed.

2.  Gastrointestinal (GI) System
In addition to discussing common GI problems, we will look at the role of the GI tract in overall health, the impact of GI on systemic disease, and look at the concepts of the leaky gut syndrome and intestinal dysbiosis.

3.   The Nervous System
 plant_hyperThe treatment of common problems associated with the nervous system, such as depression, anxiety, and insomnia, as well as the interrelationship of ns disease with disease elsewhere in the body.

4.  The Endocrine System
Common diseases of the endocrine systems, such as hypoglycemia, thyroid disease and subclinical adrenal disease will be discussed, with an emphasis on prevention and treatment.

5.  The Reproductive System
We will attempt to get the “big picture’, examining the cultural and ecological context within which the current epidemic of reproductive disease in both men and women. The focus will be on prevention as well as specific treatments for common problems.

6.  Cardiovascular and Respiratory System
Emphasis will be on prevention as well as treatment of specific problems.

7.  The Kidneys and Urinary Tract
Treatment of common problems and some important support for the kidneys and urinary track will be our focus.

8.  Inflammatory Diseases
despite diverse manifestations (from allergy and asthma to autoimmune disease and migraines), inflammatory diseases share 9.  common physiological pathways. The natural world of medicine offers rich solutions to these problems.

10.  The Skin
Diseases of the skin are generally a reflection of imbalance within the body. We will learn how natural medicine can change the skin from the inside out, as well as the role of homeopathic remedies, nutrition, and herbal topical preparations.

11.  The Immune System, Infection and Environmental Illness
Our times present us with a new set of health problems. What does natural medicine have to offer as a potential solution and how can we use it wisely and safely to build our immune system and detoxify the rest.

12.  Cancer
The role of herbal and nutritional medicine in the prevention and treatment of cancer, treatment will be discussed, as well as adjunctive therapy for people receiving conventional cancer treatment.

13.  Trauma and Natural First Aid
The uses of homeopathy, herbs, and more have astounding effects on recovery for accidents and injuries. Healing can start immediately when the right remedies are used. We will discuss an in-depth surgical recovery protocol.

14.  Medicine Making and Hydrotherapy
 Mustard Poultice IngredientsWe will learn how to make and apply a variety of herbal and home remedies including infusion, decoctions, poultices, salves, and tinctures. We will discuss the therapeutic use of an array of hydrotherapy treatments.

Classes are held weekly by webinar. Each class is approximately 2 hours long. (Thursdays at 6:15 pm CMT).

The cost of the program is $995.00. Payment can be in cash or check or visa, MasterCard, American Express, or discovery. A discount price of $75.00 is available to a student who pays the entire amount who registers early.

Contact Keri to find out more about how she can improve your life with her seminars and services. 

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