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Blending Science & Nature

Licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND)

Naturopathic Medicine Provides Opportunities to Heal Naturally!

A unique healthcare system that utilizes natural therapies for prevention and healing.

Naturopathic Doctors, known as NDs, practice based on centuries-old knowledge combined with the most current and cutting-edge evidence-based medicine. 

Naturopathic Medicine Doctors Using Over 300 Years of Knowledge

Practice of Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Functional Medicine

Professional, Holistic Medical Approach

Tools of Disease Prevention in Naturopathic Functional Medicine

POWERFUL AND PROFOUND RESTORATION of balance can occur when working with nature and science.

The holistic model’s ability to uncover distinct causes of disease in ten patients with the same diagnosis and provide unique treatment plans is truly remarkable. That is what we do!


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  1. Prevent unresolved causes of symptoms from becoming something more severe down the road.
  2. Emphasizes prevention and treatment
  3. Optimal health by using natural substances that encourage the individual’s inherent self-healing process.

The practice of Naturopathic Medicine includes modern, traditional scientific, and empirical methods.

Naturopathic doctors possess the expertise to detect organ-level dysfunction in the body and effectively restore function, leading to significant improvements in symptoms and overall health.

Treating People, Not Symptoms

Whole System Health Approach with Naturopathic Medicine

It is important to take a holistic approach to our health. We must consider all aspects of our body, not just individual symptoms.

Our DNA is the blueprint for our entire body, present in every cell.

Therefore, every body part is interconnected and should not be viewed in isolation. Understanding this interconnectivity can promote overall health and wellness more effectively and efficiently.

  • Assess the individual as a whole to find and treat the root cause.
  • A comprehensive approach to healthcare is essential for optimal health.

Naturopathic medicine does not believe in the cookbook approach to health care.

6 Guiding Principles

The practice of Naturopathic Medicine is based on a set of principles unique to health care.

Natural Digestive Support crop woman with tiny plant in menstrual cup

1. Healing Power of Nature

Naturopathic Functional Medicine crop woman with heart on palms

2. First, Do No Harm

  • Non-invasive treatments
  • Minimize harmful side effects
  • Refer when indicated
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3. Find the Cause

  • Remove obstacles to cure
  • Lifestyle, diet, habit
  • Avoid treating the symptoms without addressing the cause
  • Physical, emotional, dietary, genetic, environmental, toxins, lifestyle
blood sugar support women riding a bike

4. Treat the Whole Person

  • Know the Body and how it works together
  • Use the home run formula
  • Promote healthy living
  • Screen for disease through functional medicine and observation
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5. Wellness as the Focus

  • Reach and maintain optimal health and balance
  • Recognize and nurture wellness in people with the disease
dr keri teaching at hand on farms

6. Doctor as Teacher

  • Take time for patient education
  • Emphasize self-responsibility for health

Treatments in Naturopathic Medicine

Natural, Safe, and Effective Therapies

Naturopathic Doctors have a great tool kit of proven, effective, natural modalities and techniques. They can be used alone, but they are often used in combination.

Diet probiotic supplements

Clinical Nutrition & Biochemistry

Used to replenish your Body’s supply of specific nutrients that may be deficient due to a poor diet or your reactions to the stresses you face.

net stress

Mind and Body, NET, Meditation

  • Stress management is often a key component to restoring and maintaining health.
  • It provides you with a sense of control and optimism for the future.
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Botanical Medicine

  • Derives its base from plants that are used to tone, build and support the processes of the Body with limited side effects
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  • Using water in treatment is a viable option for healing.
  • Relax Far Infrared Sauna provides the ultimate health experience.
healthcare speaker on alternative medicine green purple flower


  • Used to stimulate your innate healing mechanism.
  • The philosophy is based on the law of similarities.
physicals observation functional medicine meridian time clock

Energy Medicine & Physical Medicine

Structural alignments, such as neuromuscular re-education and cranial sacral therapy,

It is used to optimize the function of the energy systems.

bone health test panel

Functional Medicine and Laboratory Testing

Assessing nutritional biochemistry supports organ health.

Licensed Naturopathic Doctor

It is all in the Training!


We are recognized as primary care doctors in several states, including Colorado. In other states that are not licensed, we may practice as Health Consultants or Coaches.

  • 4-year Bachelor’s degree with standard pre-med prerequisites and four years at an accredited university.
  • 4-years of basic science and clinical science
  • 1400 hours in clinical outpatient settings
  • Clinical residency
  • National board exam required for licensure

Helping People Take Control of Their Health for Centuries


Additional Resources

Consider combining Mind Body Solutions with MicoZen MicroDosing Membership Gift.
Visit Standard Process Supplements Plans for easy and specific healthcare solutions.
Check out for specific Prediabetes and Diabetes Type-2 support.

Your Optimal Health Awaits. Take the First Step Today.


By understanding how you are “linked together,” you can maximize your health, healing, and growth potential for the better. It is not uncommon for individuals with multiple health problems (physical and emotional) who have seen multi-specialists become well after a few visits.

You can live anywhere and receive the help you need.


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“Naturopathic Doctors are the true bridge between scientific modern medicine and the ancient wisdom of natural healing.”

Dr. Allen Gaby, MD


Naturopathic Functional Medicine

Visit for easy and specific health care solutions.

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