NET Wellness Check Form
What is a NET Wellness Check?
The NET Wellness Check Questionnaire from NET Mind-Body helps quickly identify and prioritize what areas may contribute to your problem areas.
Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) helps you recognize the link between your present situations and past events. It has been scientifically proven to help release lingering charges in the pain body. NET approaches help you identify and let go of “stuck” mind-body stress patterns.
Take this Quiz for Free

When you complete the form, it provides you and me with essential information on handling stress and where it resides in your body.
How does STRESS affect your body?
Stress, such as anger, resentment, grief, to PTSD, affect the body long after the “stressor” is gone. When your body can not release the event or stressor, you find yourself with unexplained issues, phobias, self-destructive or sabotaging behavior, and too many physical problems.
We know stress can affect our mental well-being, and addressing stress-related issues can help release unwanted symptoms and behaviors.
We also know stress can affect our physical body in many ways, and addressing stress-related issues can help many acute and chronic problems.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the NET Wellness Check Questionnaire.

Please fill out the following questions to the best of your ability. When completed, you can print your results and have Dr. Brown’s support for further evaluation.
Please use the PRINT and EMAIL buttons.
Please use the PRINT or EMAIL buttons above to provide your practitioner with a copy. Dr. Brown recommends that you retake this questionnaire in 30 days.