The idea weight management and weight loss program takes time.
There is no quick-fix program that will take into account the physiologic needs of your body and as well you’re underlying nutritional needs. A program needs to be gentle. It needs to be able to reduce excess fat stores, as well as providing fiber for proper digestion. It also needs to be low in fat. It should increase muscle mass verses fat accumulation.
A weight management program should ensure that the amount of energy that the body burns is greater than the amount of calories consumed.
Obtaining the proper balance diet and having a healthy life-style is the key to weight loss and continual weight management, including healthy living. It is this combination, diet and life-style, which will provide you with the best possible outcome in your life and health goals.
Remember, you did not wake up one morning instantaneous overweight. So be patient. It will likely take more than a week to lose your unwanted pounds. But you can achieve a gentle, sustained weight loss all the while feeling better overall. Your goal regarding weight management should first be to determine what your desired weight to be. Then get plenty of exercise and follow the recommended program.
The typical American diet results in:
- High blood sugar levels
- High insulin levels
- Low glucagon levels (from the liver)
- Excessive cortisol levels
The net result of the typical American diet is:
- Fat stores are not tapped into
- Fat storage are actually promoted
- Cholesterol formation is accelerated
- Insulin resistant is increased (pre-diabetes)
Rest assure, this out-come can be changed. If you follow a healthy program by obtaining your vitamins and minerals through your diet and nutritional supplementation, cell health is encouraged and the body rebalances itself back to optimum health!
The results of this type of program are:
- Blood sugar levels are lowered
- Insulin levels are lowered
- Glucagon levels are raised
- Cortisol levels are lowered
The net result of the above occurring is:
- You tap into stored fat reserves
- Excessive body fat is discouraged
- Cholesterol formation is reduced Insulin resistance is decrease
Check out either the 21-day Detoxification and Optional Wellness Program or the 10-Day Blood Sugar Balancing Program. either of these two programs will help reset you internal thermostat and rebalance you life back to health.